‘Looking Toward the Next 50 Years of Pride’ Featuring Our Executive Director, Edgar Longoria
March 14, 2025
by Seattle Pride Magazine on March 1, 2025 We are beyond honored to have our Executive Director, Edgar Longoria, featured in Seattle Pride Magazine’s latest issue! In the article “Looking Toward the Next 50 […]
Entre Hermanos Official Statement: Stop Inhumane Immigration Policies!
February 27, 2025
[Español a continuación/Spanish below] At Entre Hermanos, the first Latinx LGBTQ+ organization in the state of Washington, we raise our voices to denounce the cruel and unacceptable immigration practices implemented […]
Seattle Symphony Highlights Entre Hermanos!
September 26, 2024
■ COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSEntre Hermanos Entre Hermanos is a community-based organization that offers Latine cultural and health services tothe LGBTQ+ community in a space that is affirming, safe and supportive. The […]
Community Corner—Entre Hermanos
September 19, 2024
by Seattle Human Services on September 3, 2024 Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate […]
Entre Hermanos 33 Years Into the Future
September 10, 2024
An article from WA Department of Health Newsletter DOH 150-158 February 2024HCS Newsletter We want the community to learn about the wonderful work Entre Hermanos does for the LGBTQ+ Latino […]
Entre Hermanos Statement: June 4 Executive Order Restricting Access to Asylum
June 5, 2024
The executive order of June 4 restricting entry and suspending access to asylum has serious ramifications for the Latinx LGBTQ+ community. It is disappointing that at the very beginning of our community’s celebration of pride, we are faced with new barriers to justice.
Entre Hermanos Brings Trust Into LGBTQ+ Care
May 30, 2024
“Nearly 40 years ago, a group of Seattle friends came together to create a support network for those feeling the impact of the HIV epidemic”. Article by Samantha Malott, MultiCare.
Entre Hermanos doing Yakima Good
March 15, 2024
One of our team members was recently interviewed by KIMA, about our work and impact in Eastern Washington. Click the link below to check out our article!
Understanding Pronouns
May 31, 2022
The Goal: Our goal is to help people communicate accurately and respectfully with one another. One thing to note: Language changes. Understanding Pronouns – What’s a pronoun, why they matter, […]
Roe v. Wade
May 5, 2022
NEW RELEASE – FOR IMMADIATE RELEASE Seattle, Washington May 5th, 2022 Contact: Robert Foss Tittle: Acting Executive Director at Entre Hermanos Phone: 206.274.1510 Email: Entre Hermanos Statement for: Roe […]
Entre Hermanos Statement for: Florida “Don’t Say Gay Bill” and Texas Gov. declares trans medical case child abuse & orders investigation of supportive parents
February 25, 2022
NEW RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Seattle, Washington February 24th, 2022 Contact: Robert Foss Tittle: Acting Executive Director at Entre Hermanos Phone: 206.274.1510 Email: Entre Hermanos Statement for: Florida […]
WA Verify (Verifica WA) supera un gran hito: un millón de tarjetas de vacunación digitales creadas correctamente
February 14, 2022
Para publicación inmediata: 14 de febrero de 2022 Contacto: Comunicaciones del DOH Gracias a la herramienta digital del estado, la población de Washington puede acceder de manera fácil a sus registros de vacunación […]
Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 18, 2022
Residential households in the U.S. can order one set of 4 free at-home tests from Here’s what you need to know about your order: Limit of one order per […]
Get Vaccinated
December 15, 2021
How to get vaccinated Vaccination is available regardless of insurance, citizenship, or immigration status. You will not be billed or charged for vaccination. You can receive a second Moderna or […]
Covid-19 | Las dosis de refuerzo y las terceras dosis: Lo que debe saber
September 16, 2021
Hemos pasado un mes muy difícil. Estamos viendo que la variante delta se propaga como un incendio forestal por nuestras comunidades. Las transmisiones de COVID-19 han aumentado y las tasas […]
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 16, 2021
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. The observation began […]
Success Story / Trans Peer Navigator
June 9, 2021
Madisson legally changes her name, and have her new ID! From Madisson: “Hola soy una chica Trans y anteriormente me llamaba Douglas Najera pero no me sentía cómoda usando […]
June 2021 | Pride Month
June 2, 2021
The LGBTQ+ community has fought a long battle for their right to live a dignified life. Therefore, every year in June, the world celebrates Pride month in honor of community […]
On behalf Entre Hermanos, one of our Immigration Attorney (Kelsey Shamrell-Harrington), responded to the recent announcement of the verdict in the trial for the murder of George Floyd
April 20, 2021
On behalf Entre Hermanos, one of our Immigration Attorney (Kelsey Shamrell-Harrington), responded to the recent announcement of the verdict in the trial for the murder of George Floyd
Junior Success Story!
April 8, 2021
Entre Hermanos recently had a monumental victory for one of our earliest legal program clients, “Junior.”
Black Lives Matter
June 5, 2020
Entre Hermanos stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, as we mourn the losses of black individuals lost to senseless police brutality, structural racism, and white supremacy.
May 1, 2020
Vea la lista de Bancos de Comida que existen en todo el estado de Washington. Si necesita alimentos, esto es para usted!
April 6, 2020
Estamos respondiendo nuestra línea telefónica de la oficina para COMPARTIR recursos disponibles para Latinos(as). Si necesita contactar a un miembro del staff de Entre Hermanos, Click abajo
Exclusivo: Se encuentran graves fallas en la atención médica en un centro de detención de EE. UU. Que alberga a inmigrantes transgénero
March 5, 2020
Mica Rosenberg , Ted Hesson NUEVA YORK / WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Las inspecciones federales de la única unidad de detención dedicada del gobierno de los EE. UU. Para inmigrantes transgénero el año […]
Thank you Somos Seattle for honoring Joel Aguirre (La Gordis) with the LGBTQ Latinx Legacy Award 2019!
July 26, 2019
¡Gracias SOMOS Seattle por hacer honor a Joel Aguirre (La Gordis) con el LGBTQ Latinx Legacy Award 2019 en el Seattle Latinx Pride!
July 15, 2019
This year, we’re thrilled to announce that we beat last year’s record of $37,000 with a whopping $40,161.83. We’d like to thank all the vendors who participated.
Participa en nuestro estudio
May 14, 2019
Esta entrevista será confidencial y voluntaria. Si eres elegible para el estudio se te dará una Gift Card de $50 por participar en la entrevista.
Anuncian el segundo caso en la historia de un paciente al que le “eliminan” el VIH
March 6, 2019
A principios de Marzo del año 2019 se reportó el segundo caso de un paciente curado de VIH a través de un procedimiento de transplante de médula ósea.
November 12, 2018
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Circular de Mayo (Noticias y eventos)
November 12, 2018
Entérate de las noticias, eventos y servicios que ofrecemos para este mes de Enero.
Suscripción de Amazon Prime está ayudando a ICE a deportar inmigrantes
October 4, 2018
Varios medios de comunicación informaron en octubre que el gigante minorista en línea Amazon compartió su software de reconocimiento facial a ICE. El software, llamado Rekognition, que la ACLU expresó […]
Generation of Sicker Kids Feared Under Immigration Proposal
September 7, 2018
America’s pediatric care system is in for a shock if the Trump administration moves forward with a long-awaited immigration proposal that could come out as early as next month.
Recibe Noticias en tu celular
August 21, 2018
Ahora puedes suscribirte a Entre Hermanos a través de tu móvil.
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El censo de 2020 preguntará a las personas si son ciudadanas lo que disminuirá aún más la visibilidad de los inmigrantes
August 21, 2018
Demócratas han criticado la medida, que creen se enmarca en la política antiinmigrante de Donald Trump, porque aseguran que la personas sin documentos no responderán al cuestionario que sirve para distribuir 675,000 millones de dólares en función de los datos de este estudio.
Trump estudia negar la ‘green card’ o la ciudadanía a inmigrantes legales que hayan usado programas sociales
August 21, 2018
En las próximas semanas se espera que la Casa Blanca presente un nuevo reglamento en el que considerarán la ‘carga pública’ como causal para negar procesos de inmigración y hasta de naturalización de personas que hayan recurrido a programas de ayuda social en el pasado.
Historia de Lucas
August 7, 2018
Siempre he tenido un espíritu lleno de esperanza. Cuando me diagnosticaron VIH POSITIVO dije: “Voy a luchar por mi vida” y eso es lo que he estado haciendo hasta el momento. No culpo a la persona que me infectó, cada quién es responsable de sus propios actos…
Support immigrants in detention!
June 4, 2018
Support immigrants in detention! Get involved in the immigrant bond fund! Apoyé inmigrantes en detención! Involucrase en el fondo de fianzas inmigrantes! Fight against detention and deportations! #HereToStay Thousands of […]
‘We will lose practically everything’: Salvadoreans devastated by TPS decision
December 18, 2017
Read more